An englishman in Paris

lundi, juillet 10, 2006

Le Crillon Part III

Mini photo blog of the french teams arrival back home (III from III.

Finally at about 4pm the team bus arrived and just shortly afterwards the team appeared, one by one on the balcony.

The crowed were cheering wildly with a huge roar for Henry, Ribery, Viera and .. but where is Zizou?

The cry of "où est Zizou, on veut Zizou" ... where is Zizou we want Zizou ... went up.

Finally he came out, the next but last to do so.

The crowd surged forward, people were pushing and shoving, jumping up and down.

The cheers and screams were truly deafening

A touching moment came when Trézeguet came onto the balcony, his hands clasped in what looked like a prayer.

People were shouting "On t'aime David, On t'aime".

Henry and Viera came out to him and hugged him.

We didn' know it at the time, but he had tears rolling down his face - he felt that it was he who'd let the country down with his penalty onto the cross bar.

And that was it.

I got back to work at about 4.30.

My boss said to me :

"p'tain; je suis conne moi. J'ai vraiment cru, que t'avais un rendez-vous .. pfft .. ce n'était que quand XXXX m'a éxpliqué que efféctivement, il y avait 24 personnes à cet hôtel, à 14.30 précisement, que j'avais compris ... p'tit con. T'aurais pû m'invité aussi !!"

No hard feelings there then !


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