An englishman in Paris

dimanche, juillet 16, 2006

News dump - powder keg

I just can't help but stumble into articles like these today :

The Observer tells us that kiddies in a lebanese refugee column have been officially reclassified as collateral damage. William Kristol clamours for more of the Same in every country spelt with no more than five letters.

No more than 5 or 6, you understand, just so's to keep it simple for the current resident of the White house.

So far so good, with Syria pledging solidarity with Lebanon (7 letters) ... and Ahmadinejad using the 'H' word when talking about Israel.

Not one to be outdone, Israel says it has concrete evidence that Iran aided the ship attack. Not so , shoots (euhhhm) back Iran which then ups the anté and declares "hands off Syria"

There's some bad Juju in the air for Putin who worries outloud about the whole situation, then in return gets bitchslapped .

Bliar, sensing a Wag the dog moment, unfailingly dispatches ships to the Zone ... boy, that's gonna be a target rich environment.

So, where's all this leading to ?

Answer here : Paul Craig Roberts' : 'Attention deficit Americans are being misled to war'

The current mood of damiel at

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