An englishman in Paris

mardi, juillet 18, 2006

Thought crime

Are people, still, really so mean-spirited as to go flapping the equivalent of a nineteen twenties porno mag, found in the loos, under their boss's nose ?

Apparently, the answer is 'oui'; La petite Anglaise has attracted some bad juju.

Out of the trillions of pages floating around ...

What odds of finding 'the' page and putting two and two together ?


Bad stuff.

A few years ago, someone downloaded porno stuff onto a workstation as a joke (a classic).

The furious, puritanical, administrator then installed a system of fiendish codes and timewasting blocks for each stage to stop such abuses.

I never ever write anything from work - everything is controlled

I work in 1984 in real life - hence the cats name.

The current mood of damiel at

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