An englishman in Paris

mardi, octobre 31, 2006

I started early today as i really wanted to get away on time.

To my shock and horror i found that overnight i'd received some financial proposals back from companies.

Returned Fin.propos = bills + training programmes + other admin to do + future trainees to phone and organise + trainers to brief.

I admit, it's not that taxing and is not that difficult (the words "old rope" and "money" come to mind).

However it is time consuming - people are never there when you phone them, you leave umpteen messages, someone is always invariably indisposed ...

The list goes on.

I've also had to field incoming calls from future prospective clients who've seen the ad, read the right ups and now want to invest in the T-shirt !!

Your's truly is the man to see ;@)

The current mood of damiel at

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