An englishman in Paris

mercredi, octobre 25, 2006

Mid week

Tomorrow is the start of the end of the week ;@)

We had another wine tasting evening this week for a few of our clients.

The guy who organises it was voted, in 2001, the worlds N° 1 sommeiler (N° 1 bloke in the world who knows everything there is to know about wine, according to his peers .. or something like that).

This is an event that we organise every 6 to 8 weeks.

It's usually reserved for trainees who've been with us for a while as means for them to get to know each other in a convivial and relaxed setting.

Generally there are about half a dozen top of the range wines to taste (millesimes), with the guy guiding us through the different steps of analysing the qualities and attributes as to what makes a good bit of falling down juice.

You need to look at the 'robe', sniif the 'bouquet' and the 'arome' , then finally once you're ready for a good old swig, decide whether it's 'longue en bouche ' (!!)

It's a great evening out and i've been to every one this year so far - except this one.

I decided to sit this one out to give someone else a chance - my colleague, the Boyidiot.

Although i went away for a bit of weekend to try to chill out and switch off, i find that i'm feeling increasingly, more and more run down.

My working day flies by and once i get home and do my thang, i'm pretty much washed up.


Today i saw a guy who really frightened the beejebus outta me.

He came in to see us as he said that he wanted to train up about twenty people from his company .. as we were talking i had the distinct impression that he was either : a fabulator (best case scenario) ... a bit flakey *there's really some bad juju he's got going on there* .. or completely raving bonkers schitzo *yikes* ...

One of my trainers tried to cheer me up by saying that schitzo's are OK in the day time, but once it gets dark, they start to freak out .. a bit .. *gulp gulp*

The current mood of damiel at

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