An englishman in Paris

lundi, octobre 30, 2006

Start the week

Paris, La Défense, Monday 30 October, 6pm

I've gotta say, i don't like this clocks going backwards malarky.

Stealing to work in what feels like the middle of the night then coming back home again in the gloom is not my idea of fun.

What's more, it's going to get worse before it gets any better !

Today has been very calm ... even the spammers seem to have disappeared, tomorrow i'm going to cram everything in with the hope of getting away at about 5pm - wednesday is a day off in France.

I'm not too sure what i'll do on my day off.

I'm tempted to go the the 'Salon de chocolate' which is a yearly event where chocolate makers (not big firms like Cadbury's) give us a demonstration of their imganination.

It's not unusual to see dresses, hats and everyday objects all made from chocolate.

Evidently people go just to have free samples of the best artisanal chocolates available - watch out for spotty faces the next day !

The current mood of damiel at

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