An englishman in Paris

vendredi, octobre 06, 2006

Stop the week

It's friday.

I'm shagged out.

It's the weekend.

I'm working tomorrow.

I've finally gotten throught the pile of stuff on my desk and at long last i'm up to date...*hourrah*

I don't know what i'm going to do over the weekend ... or rather the 36 hours i'm going to have off from work.

In Paris tomorrow night is "la féte de la nuit blanche" (Paris doesn't go to sleep for 24 hours, basically).

It's a yearly thing were certain quartiers have monuments illuminated beautifully differently, various displays and music gigs all over the place until the wee hours.

I really would love to go but i know i'm just soooo dead beat that i'm going to spend most of my time off just sleeping - i'm not even some boring old accountant !

That's how run down i am.

Next week should be good as i'm out visiting my biggie client - i'm taking my boss along, hoping she'll invite us all out for lunch ;@)

The current mood of damiel at

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