An englishman in Paris

jeudi, novembre 30, 2006

Another ok'ish kind of day.

I bought two croissants to eat at my desk for breakfast whilst having a quick surf for the latest news (i haven't done that in aaaaaaaages).

Mr Bigboss didn't come to visit .. so the company news blog thing is put off for a later date ... i made a few bills out, Ms Nympho popped in for a casual chat, BoyIdiot has a touch of the blues and Missus Bosswoman has gone away for the weekend.

A part from that, an overheated trainee 'phoned up complaining because he decided to cancel his course at the last minute and wondered why his company is still going to have to pay for it - it's not my problem buddyboy if you zapped over the bit where i told about the cancellation policy "yeah but no but yeah but no but .....".

I had time for another proper lunch break ... that's like two this week (i'm on a roll; it can't last).

And heuuummm that was my day - i wouldn't quite say money for old rope ... more like peanuts for old bits of string ... but, y'know, i'll get used to that when i'm old and (more) wrinkly


Anonymous Anonyme said...

Mais non, mais non..

5:42 AM  

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