An englishman in Paris

dimanche, décembre 10, 2006

News dump

Mixing business with pleasure, Rummy's Christmas holiday has gotten of to a splendid start with a Club-med / sightseeing trip to Iraqinam . Ostensibly there to thank the pawns in his own version of 'Ages of Empires' (where he gets to make up the rules as he goes along), he'll also take time out to be sure that the Halliburton paper shredders have arrived and are all in good working order.

Much has been made of the "Baker 79 steps to rehabilitaion in the world opinion" thing that Shrub won't be paying attention to as it contains neither pictures nor mono-sylabic words .

What he won't be doing is talking to the insurgents. It was tried way back at the start of the year, but, y'know, they were just too reasonable to do business with : they were also worried about Iranian interference, they offered a 10-day “period of grace” and they even proposed that an emergency (non partisan) government be formed under Allawi’s leadership. It all came to nothing when Gen Khalilzad said that he would be willing to talk to Iran about resolving the conflict ... *that's one helluva flipflop*

What he might do, because it's so dammned stupid, is imbed army trainers into the Iraqi "sectarian" army.

But what we know he will do though, and undoubtedly drive Poppa to tears once again whilst providing the rest of us with a good old bit of slapstick hilarity, is give another bumbling shambolic "stay the course ... fool me twice .... or .... shame on me" speech on the 18th with his very own (un-nuanced) take on this 'thing' that will soon be nameless for the Monseigneur Bliar 'governement'.

The other front in this "Nameless Open Endend Thingy" - *pronounced Noé* - Afghaninam, is also gently smoldering away and is risking to ignite over the coming winter months. The Taliban are regaining strength and have been building bases on the frontier with Pakistan.... I suppose we could try talking to the taliban ... heuummm nahhhhh, that couldn't possibly work ... How about getting rid of an ally ? ... now that's one helluva brilliant idea !

Closer to home, how's the holiday going for Allan and Christine Britton in Pareeee ? Not too rocking hot to judge by the state of the tanking dollar. Twenty minutes after arriving in Paris for a brief layover between the United States and South Africa, they were standing at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, checking out the menu at the Jules Verne Restaurant: sea bass, $78; filet of beef, $77; lobster, $106; dessert, $25 ....

A good old fashioned terra story to bring us bit of season's cheer; this Christmas the local bobby will be looking hopefully under the tree and in his Christmas stocking for the absolute must : an anti-radiation mask. Yup, the good old fashioned copper is soon going to have to start patroling the London streets with a full back pack, what with the taser, stun grenades, handcuffs ... you never can tell when you just might be passing by a dirrrrty bomb.

Great news for the Tin hatters this morning : Charlie Windsors dead ex-missus has finally spoken from the grave. It wasn't the duke wot did it, the driver was indeed drunk, yes there were handling errors in the evidence ..... but ... hold on tight here :the C.I.A were bugging her phone ...

More scandal in Yurp : the German yurpeeeen commissioner has been caught .. well .. not so much with his pants down ... more sort of butt naked , on a beach with his chief of staff. But it's ok, y'know, they're definately not having an affair ... nononononononono

Unlike in France where we have a very scary looking cereal killer, the UK, not to be outdone by the U.S, has got it's very own serial killer

The current mood of damiel at

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