An englishman in Paris

samedi, mai 26, 2007

Revisiting an old posting...

A few months ago, i found this excercise whilst blog-hopping - i thought i'd give it another go just to see what happens ;@)

No excuses and no apologies for the soupy stuff - it's all fiction, by the way (just so's you'd know) ... if you follow the links you can see the music videos

This is the film sound track to your life, y'know, Brad and Angelina are you and your significant other and each scene that they play out is part your life story.... the idea here is that you put your music into shuffle mode, in whichever player that you use (i'm on real player) and answer the questions below (no cheating).

It's a beautiful, glorious sunny day and i'm motoring down a never ending coastal highway.
To my left is the sea with a never ending horizon.
To my right and as far as the eye can see is scrub, tundra and sand dunes. All of which are flashing by and with each instant i'm increasingly aware that i'm finally getting further and further away from, escaping from, the hustle and bustle of the city where i work and live.

I'm on my way somewhere, but it's a mystery as to where. But i know who i'm going with - the the girl who's sitting next to me and gently squeezing my thigh ... suddenly i can hear a siren, way off in the distance ... Waking up: Coldplay - Clocks

I'm on the train, going to work, staring absent mindedly out of the window, trying to make sense of last night's dream - what does it mean ? Where's the long and never ending road taking me ? Who's the girl ? Why's she there ? Suddenly i think about ... First Day At School: Paul Weller - A town called Malice

As i leave my seat and the overcrowded carriage to change stations, i tread on someones' foot. I start to look up, with an apology forming in my mind and on my lips, when our eyes lock for a few seconds too long ... Falling In Love: Robbie Williams - Feel

Taking courage in both hands i invite her for a coffee ... just to make amends for my clumsiness, as you do.
We arrange to meet up in a nice little cafe where they do a splendid latté.
As she sits down, who do i spy, but no other than my ex-boss (and ex-fling to boot !) ... we stopped seeing each other in rather acrimonious circomstances ... Fight Song : Steppenwolf - Magic carpet ride

She was one hell of a number.
Even though i'd never liked the idea of mixing business with pleasure, i succumbed, and we saw each other, on strictly casual basis over a couple of years or so.
Until one day she saw me talking to an old flame who was in town on business (yes we did still have feelings for each other and yes, we did see each other that evening) ... Breaking Up: Chickenshack - I'd rather go blind

I'd met this 'old flame' who was indeed my first love, at the end of term school party where as youngsters, thinking that we're invincible, we'd sneak out with a quart of whisky and share it around with our buddies - all harmless fun ... Prom: Steppenwolf - Magic carpet ride

Since then though, many years have passed with their highs and lows.
I can't say that i've always trodden the 'righteous path' but i've always tried to be as honest as possible with people.
Where i can't be honest, i've learned that sometimes, let's say, it's best to be 'economical with the truth' ... Life : The Animals - Don't let me be misunderstood

After i had to leave my company things started to go down hill; my ex-boss lost sight of things and gradually started to let things slip to such a point that she was 'asked to resign'.
From which point things gradually went from bad to worse ... Mental Breakdown : Massive attack - Angel

A few weeks have now passed and the chick from the train has gradually become more important to me and so as a celebratory treat for us both, we're going for a nice weekend out in the country ... Driving : T Bone Walker - Stormy monday

Love lost and love found.
The night is closing in and my mind wanders back through the years.
Good friends i've had and good friends i've lost along the way.
Especially 'girl' friends.
Unrequited love ?
Tell me about it.
Could it be that this is finally the 'one' ... Flashback : Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Hopelessly hoping

Surprisingly enough and against all the odds the chick from the train has reformed my character !
I finally suggest to her that maybe we could, you know, make things a bit more serious ... Wedding : Dandy Warhols - Godless

The little kicks inside her started about four month later and at six in the morning we went to the hospital ... Birth of a Child : The Byrds - turn turn turn

Not every cloud has a silver lining however - due to negligence by the medical team, both mother and child died on the operating table.
Where can i find the force to continue ... Final Battle : Johhny Cash - Personal Jesus

Since that day, my life has inevitably changed.
I have changed professions and have been working, for the last twenty five years as a medical malpractise lawyer.
I prosecute rich surgeons and doctors who litterally get away with murder but are 'covered'.

Covered by connections in high places which enable them to protect themselves.

When the nights come i lie to people.

No one escapes my righteous justice ... Death Scene : Seal - Crazy

I've always believed in rights and wrongs, but since the 'murder' of Raphaëlle and Camille, who hadn't even been born, my boundaries became blurred.
My dying confesion is this : blind, blood red hate and rage do not quench the need for ultimate vengance ... Funeral Song : Mamas & Papas - California dreaming

End Credit : Massive attack - Five man army

That's great fun!!

Libellés :

The current mood of damiel at

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