An englishman in Paris

vendredi, juillet 20, 2007

My gawwd, it's been an age; today i spent the morning laying low in my office hiding.

I got absolutely wasted last night -Steamed, stonked, blitzed, mashed ... call it what you will but I wasn't hung over, no way, not me : i was still rolling drunk at nine o'clock this morning.

There was no reason behind it, it just happened - i invited someone round for dinner (in mid week) and after the apéros, there was the wine, the digestif, le trou normand, a few beers + a few more and a few more ... the rest is history

It's v. v. bad news if you have to see people and 'do things'. Important things for clients. It felt sooooooooooo bad, being the ball of a real life pinball machine.

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