An englishman in Paris

lundi, avril 20, 2009

I would walk five hundred miles ...

So, then, things have moved up a pace - i'm offski the end of next week, which at the time of writing is exactly (syncronise watches) in 9 days, 11 hours and 54 minutes...

Whilst i've not exactly found the place of my dreams it's in the town of what i would consider to be my town of adoption

Right now, i've just spent the evening canceling/transfering my gasboard and electricity accounts over to the new commune - i don't know what will happen with my isp, so i can only cross my fingers and dig out my praying mat and ask a neighbour for a compass ...

I've exchanged a ton of messages to a chick at the removals firm, who seems to be a very rare commodity indeed and merits a link

I've done my very anal 'to do' list and am in for an extremely difficult two weeks ... thank goodness that i have a week off from the 4th

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