An englishman in Paris

mardi, mai 23, 2006

Well i wonder

Sometimes, like today, i feel as though i'm living in a bubble.

I'm exquisitely aware of all that is going on around me; i hear every sigh, see every grimace and frown, every gesture, and sign - even the most infinate movement of the twitchy one seated next to me.

On the train, people read, scritch and scratch, hustle and bustle their way through the rush hour commuters, huff and puff ... all to no avail and with the utmost, sublime futility - how many nanoseconds are to be gained by pushing to the front of the platform ?

I observe, without judgement the actions of others, the ebb and flow of people going about their lives.

Nothing escapes my enquiring, non commited wandering gaze - my eyes may be all seeing, but no voyeur am i.

Things happen outside my sphere of immediate influence; i could reach out and inter-act; but i choose to pretend to ignore it all.

I choose whether or not be the observer that i am or to partake in events ... do i wish to be complicite or be pudique ?.

Yet i decide to remain aloof from it all - why is that ?

Restraint, contraint, observation - my watchwords at times such as these.

At lunch time today i walked along the Seine - for about twenty minutes i sat down and watched a familly of ducks, led by the mother, swimming peacefully. Sometimes, as in a cartoon, one duckling would veer off in a direction other than the one decided upon by the mother. She would then turn back, leaving the others, to shepheard it back in the right direction with a few playful pecks to the head. This happend maybe three or four times.

Events like this happen all the time, every day every where.

But at that split second, that moment right there .. to watch and observe, undisturbed ... i felt a sense of ... profound privilege, something unique.

Sports people that i have had the privilege to meet equate times like this to being in 'the zone'.

Nothing else has any sense but the instant in which we live.


Anonymous Anonyme said...

interesting thoughts

6:15 PM  

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