An englishman in Paris

jeudi, juin 22, 2006

I've lost my mojo

My mojo ain't workin' no more

I'm not upto anything, i'm feeling shagged out.

i'm feeling rough as cfuk .. my head cold has descended to my chest so i cough and hack like an old bag person.

I can't even decide on which language i'm s'posed to be using anymore (english ? french ? gibberish?)

Gibberish has been my working language for the last three days.

I'm not much in the mood for fooling around, being Mr funny, Mr witty or Mr sympathetic ... i just need to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

That's my current state of mind - tomorrow is Friday ;-/

Never the less, I've had one belle jeune femme ask me today : 'why do you not have children ?' +'why you not are married ?' *i'll probably go back to this one over the weekend..

To which i replied 'because' .full stop.

I just couldn't be arsed today to reply in anything other than monosyllabic words : if you ask me a closed type of question, i'll give you a yes/no answer - if you ask an open question, i'll still contrive to to respond with a short reply .. that's the mood i'm in.

All of which goes against the natural grain of things ... but right now i'm in self preservation mode.

A part from that, the voice over that i did last week has been accepted without any retakes from me - so that was a good +point.

The current mood of damiel at

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