An englishman in Paris

mardi, juin 27, 2006

Out and about

I often take photos of my movements.

And here's a quickie - it's time for bed 'n' all that.

I went out on a bit of a visit today ... to St Ouen.

St Ouen is to the north as Paris and is considered a bit rough.

This is where the the flea market is and i tend to go for a visit every three weeks or so - i'm on the hunt for a decent leather Jacket for next to no money.

It's the first time i've been there by train/metro 'on business'.

As we say, first impressions always count.

My first impressions of a quartier are often made when i step out of the train/ metro - is it a well kept station, is it clean, is it grim and unkempt looking ...

I've gotta say here, some of the grafitti artists are very talented, but why in the hell do others over-spray with crap stuff ? Bigger bollox than the other guy ? probably .... i'm not winnin' or influencing friends with that one ...

Some times i withhold judgement until i reach daylight ...

Pas cool

It looks o.k - but it's still a bit ... grim grim grim

The current mood of damiel at

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