An englishman in Paris

vendredi, juin 23, 2006

Alors là ...

I'm really sisped off

Big time.

Since '04, there's been a law in France which says that if you (company) spend 'x' % of you income on training, then you're eligible for a hefty tax rebate... it's known here as the DIF (droit individuel de formation).

It's a bit complicated but, the company can decide to enforce the rule that your training is done outside work hours ... if it's within work hours they have to pay you full wages, if it's outside work hours, they can pay you upto 60% of your wages during the time that you undergo your training - only very mean and stingy co's opt for this one.

This means that the meanies of this world send their people for 'Saturday workshops'.

Which means that someone has to open shop at the weekend.

This w/e it's meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Wayhayyyy .. deep joy.

Every 5 weeks or so we take turns to be there on saturdays.

Tomorrow it's miggins' turn .. no-one told me until about 3pm.

Well .. i wasn't exactly 'told', more like "when you're here tomorrow, keep an eye out for .. "

No warning, nothing had been noted in my diary.

I'm not a mind reader.

So tomorrow: i'm working :o[

The current mood of damiel at

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