An englishman in Paris

mercredi, juillet 12, 2006

Midweek - Part II

A few weeks back i chewed out one of our trainers - she said to someone "Your crap you are, you'll never learn anything, i don't know why you bother .."

(As a bit of background to her - if she thinks that you, as a trainee, might be able to help her later on in life, then she's as sweet as pie .. if you're an average Joe Blow she ain't interested .. like, not at all interested.. personally i can't understand why she was recruted in the first place .. she spends most of her time talking about her future plans for world domination - heaven forbid )

So .. enter 1 demolished, crying, young thing into my office explaining to me why she isn't attentive: she has family problems, 'ladies' health issues, she didn't want to be there but her boss forced her into it.

Plus reception of 1 stinging e-mail from her boss + Mme DRH (If that's how you bunch of cowboys work, we're not going to do business with you anymore)

That's the kind of grief that i get sometimes.

I took Ms Big-mouth-stoopid-ass aside and explained things to her ..

I was very polite but extreeeeemly firm.

Think Michael Caine in 'Get Carter '... I wasn't heated or bad tempered, shouty or rude... just y'know "Nah, you listen tah meeee. I'm only gonna say this once. So listen carefully ... very carefully ..."

Anyhow, coincidentally, she'd handed in her notice a few days before (so i suspect there was a bit of cause and effect) and today was her last day.

She'd organised her own little shindig with a bit of food and drink.

All the other trainers were there (free food and drink 'n' all that) and i said to Little'un that if she wanted, i'd cover for her whilst she participated.

After about twenty minutes, Little'un came back in a bit of a giggly state ...

"what have you been up to" i asked ... a bit surprised ...

"i've had a teensy winsy bit too much to drink" she said.

"Whaddya mean a bit too much to drink ?"

"euhhhm .. three glasses of champagne and two glasses of white wine"


Rat arsed, she was ....

Giggling, bumping into stuff .. and this at 2pm.

I'm no angel myself, but, y'know .... at work .. clients are around ...

She disappeared down stairs again.

Someone else covered for me, so i went to see what was going on (my office is just next door).

I payed my tributes - i'm a good egg as we say, no hard feelings and all that - i took a glass of vino, a bite to eat and started doing bills and things ... as i was typing i could see out of the corner of my eye, that the wingey-mommys-boy-plonker who's suposed to be deputy manager of our place (we used to be very close friends) was busy plying Littl'un with shit loads of wine ....

The arsehole.

I took him aside, on the pretext of whatever, and said (i was really pissed off) "what the fuck are you trying to do ? .. she has to work this afternoon .. she's too young and is not used to this kind shit"

His reply was " She can always say no thank you"

I called him a stupid cunt, who should know better - especially at his age.

Fucking twat that he is

That was it. She went home. Ttwat face winged a bit, i covered the welcome desk and worked from there for most of the afternoon.

Evidently, i'm not a happy teddy.

Tomorrow, i think , there will be ructions.

The current mood of damiel at

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