An englishman in Paris

mardi, juillet 11, 2006

Tuesday (II)

One of my clients is a guy who works for a music company - he's the PDG.

He insists on having very specific trainers; the guy stops and starts all the time so it's very dificult to organise things for him easily - especially since his fave trainer has just broken her arm and will be out for at least two weeks.

I'd organised for him to work with a different trainer who is very able at making people feel comfortable and generally good about themselves.

Unfortunately, he's gotten the wrong end of the stick and persists in persistantly asking her out for a date : out to concerts with the best seats, back stage passes, the best night clubs etc

She's happily married and has told him as much.

Apparently, today, he spent his time with his back to her, saying he just couldn't bear to be 'subjugated by her beauty'.

She's an ex model and is actually used to that kind of b/s.

I saw him over coffee and asked him how things were going : he said he thought she was a really excellent trainer and exactly what he needed ..

Hmmm .. a cat and mouse story - i wonder when it will sink in that he's the mouse ... squeek squeek.

As for me, well i had a lot of difficulty getting started; my morning was more or less just one long coffee break with work breaks thrown in at regular intervals.

I chatted to one of our newest trainees who insists on calling me Monsieur - she's about my age and i said to her just call me by my first name (it's all very cool 'chez nous'), other wise i feel like a v.v. old man - she kind of like squirmed and blushed ... ooer, i'm thinking ..

I chatted to another one who really should continue and so i'm going to have to do some forcing with her DRH ...

Finally i saw a young woman who needed to be re-orientated in her choice of training programme - i did the usual needs analysis/objectives/starting point stuff.

All in all, a pretty much every day, run of the mill intervention by me.

Normal stuff.

That's what i'm paid to do.

When we'd finished, she gave be the biggest, twinkliest blued eyed, 'full beam' smile and said "Thank you sooo much .... you're soooooooooooooo comprehensive ......" .. i kinda, y'know, melted ... a bit .. well ... y'know how it is ... i'll leave it there for now, i think- she's going to be with us for about 4 weeks or so - gulp


Anonymous Anonyme said...

grrr... je n'ai toujours pas tilté What's your job?

9:12 PM  
Blogger Damiel said...

Hehehe .. c'est voulu .. i don't fancy being 'dooced' .. disons, que je travail dans le "professional training services industry"

9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

et.........en français, ça donne... ? :-)

9:38 PM  
Blogger Damiel said...

Dooced vient du nom d'un blog "dooce (at) je-n'en sais-rien point com." dont l'auteur était viré de son boulot aprés que quelq'un avait vendu la mèche ...

Je bosse dans le secteur de la formation continue

9:41 PM  

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