An englishman in Paris

mardi, juillet 11, 2006


It's been a strange start to a strange week.

Monday, didn't really count and today felt like a monday.

The week is going to be a short week with friday counting as a bank holiday due to the 14th of july celebrations.

Consequently, there's this kind of sluggish mad rush around the place - three days left to try to fit in five days worth of work.

Todays high points - talking to good people, sympathising with others that i've not seen since last week (although yesterdays outing was quite cathartic for me).

Mega high points - having a chat with one of our trainees who's just finished and is feeling very sad to be leaving us (she said she'd stop by for coffee from time to time).

She's a lovely person and i really hope we see her again.

The current mood of damiel at

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