An englishman in Paris

dimanche, septembre 17, 2006

News dump

As is the same every boring Sunday, i spend time catching up on the weeks news.

I find it interesting to compare and contrast what's news here and what isn't.

For instance, the anglo-saxon press is completely obsessed by the "War on *favorite noun goes here*" .. whilst the french press devotes little time to it.

Son onwards an upwards as they say ...

Le Monde devotes à whole page to our favorite villain Sarkozy *boohissboo* who is suggesting that we should re-organise the school system here.

As is the same in every country, the rich send their kids to the best schools, whilst the least fortunate go to the local school ... local authorities are so strapped for cash that the facilities become old, worn and used ... so you don't have decent materiels or acces to the best and newest methods.

The teachers give their all but are ultimately feeling downtrodden, demotivated and open to abuse.

School grades fall, the schools' image suffers and eventually it becomes a dead-ender school for no-ender, drop out kids that no one can deal with.

Petty crime anyone ? Banlieues ablaze, anyone ? ... you get the picture.

All in all a pretty nightmarish scenario.

Sarko wants to create specific projects for specific schools.

If you want to learn, let's say biology, then you have to go to the crummy hole around the corner... end of story.

Since 1963 you have had to go to your nearest school, whatever your social situation and 'standing'.

The thing that hits me most in the article is this : Sarko has been playing the card (again) that people from the posher end of town don't want to be mixing it with the hoi-poloi .... the racaille .. and (the subliminal message here) 'X' generation immigrants ... that's why i really find this guy really extremely dangerous - he plays the immigration card time and time again; whatever the subject.

Another story which gained a fair bit of traction here at the start of the week, but seems to have .. heuum ... died a death ... concerns the hostage taking in Yemen.

Apparently the Yemenite authorities have had enough - it's not too brilliant for the tourism industry - and is looking to send the troops in. The French gouvernment has been pleading with the Yemenites to stay cool ...

Evidently, France being the good old catholic country that it is, a lot of coverage has been given to Benedicte XV The Idiot Pope and his foolish comments.

Whilst i'm aware that he insisted that he was 'quoting' from someone else, the point is this - why did he feel it necessary to bring back to life, as it were, remarks made aeons ago ? Why now ? What is he thinking ? Is the Idiot Pope doing drugs ??


Quite a lot of artcles too this week about the 'non-aligned' countries' summit meeting . I've only picked out two, but if you pick up any journal here you'll find a swathe of things about how Venezuela and Iran are forming a common front and also about Fidel's younger (!!!) bruvvah taking his seat.

A quick whizz over the pond for three unflattering articles all linked to Shrubster and the rightwing bastard party ...

An article from the Wapo to lead in with; Shrubs reaction to the GOP rebels' balking at his "let's pass a law to circumvent the Geneva convention" moment ...i saw him on french t.v and i've gotta say he really looked unhinged ... well, more unhinged than usual, that is.

The NY times editorial even uses the word shocking to describe his lordships heavy 'steamroller'tactics to try to push through what would be a filthy law... it just escapes me as to how people can still possibly vote for anything to do with the war party ... mind you, i can say the same thing people here who vote for Sarko ...

A great, in every sense of the term, second article from WAPO tells us how the CPA Iraqi reconstruction programme was largely staffed with GOP Contributeurs who had no knowledge what-so-ever of anything other than well ...euhhm ... ballsing things up by the look of things .. go read it you'll love it.

Back to Old Yurp :

An exculsive article from the Indy wherein we learn about the newest wheeze from the honest british govmint : A gouvernment watchdog group has given the green light to supermarkets to sell Frankenstien food, whilst simultaneously telling the public that the stuff would not be allowed for sale in the U.K...

A dive into the Guardian for an examination of how the british troops are faring in Afgahaninam : the simple truth is things are not going swimmingly well what with the lack of R & R, no rotations, not much help coming through and what supplies there are, are inadequate... oh oh oh what a lovely war

... there's more of the same all over the place today, but it's just to grim to be going on with... pffft

The current mood of damiel at

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