An englishman in Paris

mercredi, septembre 13, 2006

So there you go then .. i've been back for a full week and it's been extremely hard going.

I've got a huge pile of offers to tender and e-mails asking for the same - all very good news.

The down side is that in between times, the accounts people have sent a list out to everyone with unpaid invoices.

In France there is a system where you (as a company) can pay money to a specialised organisation (an OPCA) which will then handle all your training expenses for you.

One of the constraints (for me) is that the payment is not made until the end of the training period and even then only if a series of documents have been completely filled out (it's all automated from my end of things) by us and the company.

Companies are good at losing things sometimes.

The other problem is that often the organisation requires that the company pays first and is then reimbursed ... .

Right now, i've got at least thirty companies, dating back to the start of springtime, in the delicate situation above ...which means chasing them up and so creates for me additional non productive work.



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