An englishman in Paris

vendredi, décembre 01, 2006

Stop the week

The weather has taken a really cold turn for the last few days here.

We don't get icy blasts of wind as such, more of an ambient cold and clammy dampness which chills to the marrow.

When i leave for work in the mornings, there's a wind that funnels down the main boulevard which really does cut you in two.

By the time i'm coming home, the wind has changed direction and i get a repeat performance.

It's even worse when it's sleeting - that'll be in about eight weeks time or so.

On another point : is it possible to suffer from stress when there's nothing to be stresssed about, i.e : having no work to do ?

Delving deeper and deeper, i think it's just the protestant work ethic in me that's been giving me gip today.

I've had an easy/boring week - it's soooo long since i've had one of those that it's a shock to the system.

I should be lapping it up, i know, but ... pfffft .. some stress is good, absolute lazyness is not.

The current mood of damiel at

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