An englishman in Paris

lundi, juillet 23, 2007

I'm still in recovery mode from the weekend.

Heuuu ...

I kinda went out for dinner with friends and stayed out late (v.v.late)

Today just flew by - thankfully - and as i type i'm thinking but one word :beeeedddd

I've got meetings all over the place to set things up for the start of the new season and i have to really be on the ball.

Even so, i'm thinking about where i'll go for my summer break.

This year it'll only be for two weeks instead of the usual four - i've had enough of not having any more free time left over to go off somewhere during the rest of the year... but, y'know, when footloose and fancy free, there's not much point to dossing around on your own for a month.

For the next few weeks or so until i go away, i'll be checking out good deals and last miniute stuff (i'd love to back to greece) but i'll just play it by ear and wait and se.

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