An englishman in Paris

vendredi, septembre 18, 2009

So then, a particularly crappy week has finally crpped it's self out

A craphole of a week because of a very near (real life) diplomatic incident between WorldCorp, and a real life prince with very long arms, various embassies and ... yours truly bang in the middle of it all

A shitbag of a week because an increadibly heavy work load has meant that i've been getting home too late in the evenings to grab even a baguette - the boulongeries are all closed :'(

A very heavy workload thanks to lazy bastard BoyIdiot

A little bird told me yesterday why he's been on a go slower, work to rule type jag :

A while ago, BI asked Fluffy (the boss) for three weeks holiday, starting from the week before last.

Fluffy crossed his arms and did an unusual thing : he took a managerial decision !

He said 'No'

BI re-did his holiday chit

Fluffy held fast and said : 'Nope, not three weeks but two - you don't have kids or family to worry about'

Which given that Fluffy has just got back from a three week beano with his bloke to the states, and Marge has also just back from a four week sabatical in the South, is all a bit ... iffy

Anyhow, BI ends up with two weeks off, starting as of next monday

Apparently, he told this little birdie, who then relayed it on to me that BI just thought, 'fuck it, it's gonna be just as if i wasn't around' and promptly downed tools and decided to spend his days counting his fingers

He has done absolutely fuck-all for five days

The words "space" and "waste of" keep springing into my head

Libellés :

The current mood of damiel at

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