An englishman in Paris

lundi, avril 27, 2009

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Taa daaaaaaaaaaaaa !

I've done it, i'm moving this wednesday to my new pad

Right now i'm upto my eyeballs in boxes, cleaning fluids and sticky paint brushes

I'll probably have to wait three or four weeks before i have a new connection

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mardi, avril 21, 2009

Quand l'alzheimer frappe ....

Cheers Balaj :p

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lundi, avril 20, 2009

I would walk five hundred miles ...

So, then, things have moved up a pace - i'm offski the end of next week, which at the time of writing is exactly (syncronise watches) in 9 days, 11 hours and 54 minutes...

Whilst i've not exactly found the place of my dreams it's in the town of what i would consider to be my town of adoption

Right now, i've just spent the evening canceling/transfering my gasboard and electricity accounts over to the new commune - i don't know what will happen with my isp, so i can only cross my fingers and dig out my praying mat and ask a neighbour for a compass ...

I've exchanged a ton of messages to a chick at the removals firm, who seems to be a very rare commodity indeed and merits a link

I've done my very anal 'to do' list and am in for an extremely difficult two weeks ... thank goodness that i have a week off from the 4th

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vendredi, avril 10, 2009

Two seasonal jokes, as classy as ever;@)

J.C is on the cross and starts to cry out to one of his disciples

"Peter ... Peter ....Peteeeeerrrr"

Peter pushes his way to the front of the crowd and makes his way up the hill, only to be roughly shoved away by the guards.

"Peteeeer ... Peeeeter ... Peee ...."

J.C's voice is getting weaker and weaker, so, Peter gets up again, dusts himself down and charges back - the guards beat him to a pulp and dump him, in an untidy heap, at the bottom of the hill

"Peeeeeeeeeeteeeeeeeer ...."

Peter, on broken legs and arms, crawls slowly back up the hill leaving a trail of blood and hair and teeth as he goes - this time though, the astonished guards take pity on him and let him pass

"Yes my Lord, i'm here ..."

"Peeeeeteer ...."

J.C's voice is by now barely a whisper, so Peter drags himself upright ...

"What is it my lord, i can hear you"

"Peeteeer ..... i can see your house from here"

J.C is on the cross and starts to cry out to Mary

"Mother ... mother ...."

Mary makes her way to the front of the crowd and is ushered to the cross by the guards.

"Mother ... mother...."

"Yes my son, i'm here, what is it ..."

"Mother .... save me ... save me ... save me an egg, i'll be back on Sunday"

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Yooohooooo it's the weekend !!!!

I've had very long days this week so i'm absolutely knackerd

I've been traipsing around visiting various middens and hovels again and have been getting home at about nine thirty every day ... by the time i've eaten and showered i've not been hitting the sack before two most days only to be up again at at seven thirtyish :'(

I'm sorely tempted though by a place that i saw yesterday in my old stomping ground in Versailles.

As usual i'm weighing up the for and against, but the real sticking points are the size of the kitchen and the lack of a bath - it's not as though i'm bath person, but it's nice to know that if i want to, i can have a soak and a read ...

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mercredi, avril 08, 2009

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens ...

The peace and calm of the last fortnight came to an abrubt end this morning as BoyIdiot came bouncing noisly back from 'somewhere'

We'd been taking bets as to where he might've disappered to - suggestions of Neverland were quickly pooh-pooed as even though he can easily pass muster on the telephone with his high pitched, adenoidal whine of a voice, not even the best plastic surgeon would be able to disquise the fact that he's a middleaged porky bloke ...

From the dearth of details he doled out with unaccustomed parsimony, i reckon he probably went away, caught a dose of la tourista on the first day, and spent the rest of the time holed up in his hotel room watching subtitled porn films ... probably

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lundi, avril 06, 2009

TheWickedWitch of the planning department has called it a day and has hung up her supersonic broomstick

The year when she started working at my WorldCorp, Wikipedia reveals that :

*The Beatles made their first ever live performance on the Ed Sullivan show (sparking off Beatlemania in the process), were at the top of the charts with "I wanna hold your hand" and Bob Dylan turns them onto cannabis
*Sean Connery starred in From Russia with love
*Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life in prison
*21 000 'military advisors' are in Vietnam ('tis also the year of the Tonkin incident)
*Bewitched appears on t.v for the first time.
*The Warren commission releases it's final report into the death of JFK.
*Russia launches Voskhod 1 (the first multi-crewed spaceflight) into orbit
*The death penalty is abolished in the U.K

*Nicolas Cage, Michelle Obama, Bridget Fonda, Matt Dillon and Sarah Palin are all born

TheWickedWitch of thePlanning has is a wealth of information and i'll certainly be missing her :'(

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