An englishman in Paris

dimanche, septembre 30, 2007

Just a quickie for my one or two or three regular visiters - over the next few days i'm going to make an effort and tag things so that if you click on tag words like 'Photos', Music vid or whatever, then youy should be able to do a kind of time warp thing and see everything grouped together on one page ...

vendredi, septembre 28, 2007

Paris, Les Champs Elysées, 4pm

Libellés : ,

Same old same old ....

i've been doing a lot of things in a state of near non stop urgence this week.

Such urgency because, as is the norme, i'm trying to juggle with my on going projects - next week is kick off for my forty odd people - and getting ready for two calls to tender which, in two weeks time, i'll know for sure if they've been accepted.

All work and no play, does indeed make Jack a dull boy, as we say.

One of my cuter trainees finished today after spending a month with us. In a very touching gesture she offered me a little cadeau as a thank you because i'd let her use my office in the mornings before i arrived.

She'd gone miles out of her way to a very nice bakery and had found a lovely, englishy type of fruit cake and had also found some very nice home made apricot confiture - all for meeeeeeeeee :@)

Libellés :

jeudi, septembre 27, 2007

Gotan Project - Amor Porteno

Libellés : ,

Press Release

International Rugby Board (IRB) Rugby World Cup 2007

Following complaints to the IRB about the All Blacks being allowed to motivate themselves by performing the ‘Haka’ before their games, other nations were asked to suggest pre-match rituals of their own. The IRB Rugby World Cup 2007 Organizing Committee has now agreed to the following pre-match displays:

1) The England team will chat about the weather, wave hankies in the air and attach bells to their ankles before moaning about how they invented the game and gave it to the world, but no one appreciates them.

2) The Scotland team will chant “You lookin’ at me Jimmy?” before each of them smash a bottle of beer over their opponents’ heads.

3) The Ireland team will split into two, with the Southern half performing a Riverdance, while the Northerners march the Traditional route from their dressing room to the pitch, via their opponents dressing room.

4) Unfortunately the Committee was unable to accept the Welsh proposal to form a choir and sing Tom Jones’ “It’s Not Unusual”.

5) Argentina will unexpectedly invade a small part of opposition territory, claim it as their own “Las In-Goals-Areas” and have to be forcibly removed by the match stewards.

6) Two members of the South African team will claim to be more important than the other 13 whom they will imprison between the posts. These two will then go about selecting the best parts of the pitch to settle on and claim that they have been there for centuries.

7) The Americans will not attend until almost full time. In future years they will amend the records to show that they were in fact the most important team in the tournament and Hollywood will make a blockbuster fi lm called ‘Saving Flanker Ryan’.

8) Five of the Canadian team will sing La Marseillaise and hold the rest of the team to ransom.

9) The Italian team will arrive in Armani gear, sexually harass the female offi cials and then prepare pasta dishes, which they will flog to the crowd for a fortune.

10) The Japanese will shock fans buy demonstrating how to capture a whale for scientifi c research buy harpooning an opposition prop.

11) The French won’t have a pre-match display and will simply hide in fear in the dressing room for the whole match.

12) The Australians will have a BBQ on their side of the fi eld and invite the opposition over before the game. The food and alcohol will be in abundance and by the start of the game no-one will remember what they came to the stadium for. After some
streaking, the singing of dirty songs and the occasional chunder everyone will go home thoroughly convinced it was a bloody good night.

13) The Moroccan team will quietly pray during the first half and then launch suicide attacks against the opposition after the break. Unfortunately, this strategy works well for the first game only, after which Morocco is forced to withdraw from the Rugby World Cup due to lack of players.

14) Samoa will prepare a huge feast in the middle of the pitch by digging a large hole and fi lling it with burning embers. They invite the opposition over by saying, “We’d like to have you for dinner”. It’s only when the opposition get to the pit that they realize there is no meat and that they are the dinner!

Hopefully, with these policies now in place, further problems is this area of the game should cease to exists.

Libellés :

mercredi, septembre 26, 2007

Paris, Place St Augustin, 12pm

Libellés : ,

I'm completely dead on my feet - no real news there then - and type these few miserable lines in my usual 'hunt and peck' stylie, i'm waiting for the pizza guy to arrive so that i can settle down with a few beers and watch the footy.

I've finally finished interviewing my forty trainees and everything is set up for starting next week ... i'm just waiting for the spondoolitz to start rolling in :@)

Right now the weather here is just starting to turn, you can feel a distinct nip in the air in the mornings, the leaves are starting to turn and i've noticed, for these past few days that people have already started putting on their overcoats.

The métro has resumed its winter 'when we feel like running' schedule and there sem to be quite a few sniffles, runny noses and dog like cur-chews going on ...

Libellés :

lundi, septembre 24, 2007

Paris, part of the old viaduct

Libellés : ,

Replay & rewind

I managed to empty my head a wee bit over the weekend when i went to the senat to see an exhibition of the works of Arcimboldo - a painter who used fruit, vegetables and animals to create portraits of people, sometimes high lighting personality traits to good effect.

I have to say that for anyone visiting, whilst the opportunity to view original works is always a good thing, the entry price (12€) and the wait (1/2 an hour) may be a bit off putting.

Click on the link above to have an idea of what he did.

Paris, Notre Dame

Libellés : ,

All good things come to an end, then, and today was a typical monday with it's usual bout of non-stop people to see, mails to answer and friction with BoyIdiot (yeuuuww)

I've been asked by one of my companies to figure out how to help them create an internal web page detailling how we (my company) can best organise training programmes based on their real and quantifiable needs.

I've got, y'know, my 'pitch' down to pat, but from there, translate that onto a web-page ... pfft.. i'm not a webmaster, despite everything ... i have three weeks to try and get together a succinct résumé of all the training options open to people but in such a way that a layman can understand.

BoyIdiot - the guy who has quite a few tics and tocs, many ritualistic issues, is basically a 15yr old adolescent trapped in a man's (porky) body (any takers, girls ? ) and has difficulty in assuming his role etc ... adinfinitum - has decided to offload his work onto me under the pretext that he has too much to do (le pauvre chéri)

So, then, last week he started to forward me e-mails from people asking for information under the pretext that he couldn't treat all of the demands and that he couldn't leave mails in his box un answered - as if i do bugger all and can leave unanswered mails in my in-box (we're like a bunch, of kids i know)

Today he did the same thing with about 20 requests and i sent an absense message in reply plus a mail to MissusBossWoman saying that that i was surprised to understand that i was the only person able to reply to these things ...

Libellés :

vendredi, septembre 21, 2007

Paris, Val de Grâce

Libellés : ,

Starting over

My PC crashed and burned at the start of last week - cue wailing and gnashing of teeth ...

Slowly but surely, i've had to reinstall everything from the get-go and once again i've lost all my photos, music, funny stuff ... the works :@(

I don't quite understand the 'how' it happened, but more to the point : Why, oh why, do i never create backups ?

Because (small 'a') : Like anything really bad, i never think it'll happen to me
Because (small 'b') : I'm a bit of a dumbass

All of which to explain why my little corner of the web has been a bit neglected of late.

Libellés :

Paris, inside the Opéra Garnier

Libellés : ,

L’adieu incertain.

Tiret, deux points, ouvrez les guillemets.

Je referme notre parenthèse mettant un point final à toutes mes interrogations,
Je reprends dignement mes billes, mes virgules et mes points d’exclamation.
Mes traits sont tirés et mes tirets morts, las de n’avoir su retenir ton attention,
Je rêve les tiens tendus à lire l’épilogue décevant de notre soi disant relation.

Me risquerai-je vraiment à effacer ton nom de la surface de ma terre
Sabotant au passage cette foi en toi qui m’était plus que salutaire?
Oserai-je vraiment soulager ton esprit indocile de mon moi anodin
Laissant échapper de mes lèvres destructrices mon orgueil assassin?

L’e dans l’o, c’est à reculons que j’épargne mon cœur,
Lue dans l’heure, ma prière soulagera bien tes valeurs.
Lis les larmes que je sème entre ces lignes illégitimes et amères,
Loue la langue de ta bien-heureuse dont les mots savent rester fiers.

Je te désapprendrai en t’accordant mes adieux, t'es la femme d'ailleurs, mon éphémère.

Mes illusions m’auront apostrophé, bercé et abusé voyant sentiments où n’était que désert.

Tu n’auras mis que des guillemets à notre amitié,
Ne m’auras jamais regardé, jamais qu’en pointillé.

Libellés :

mercredi, septembre 19, 2007

Paris, Notre Dame

Libellés : ,

Sometimes, i just don't know where i am ...

I know i 'exist' - i wake up and scratch my knackers, yawn, belch a bit, grumble and stumble off into the shower ... go to work

I 'do' things, i meet interesting people, have lots of fun ...

But ...y'know .. sometimes .. . i feel that something is missing

Something intangible ... aimless goal, no objectif, no ties.

I can't say that i feel sad or unhappy with my lot.

For sure, i have regrets (many) but they don't weigh on me (well, perhaps one or two)

Life is for living - carpe diem

But, y 'know ..

Sometimes ...


Libellés :

lundi, septembre 17, 2007

Paris, Tour Montparnasse, dusk till night - click on an image to see it in a new window

Libellés : , , ,

Three weeks back from the summer break and i can safely say that it doesn't feel as though i've been away.

I'm already thinking about a Haloween break, somewhere, anywhere but here.

I had a bit of a freak out as i came home last night - my windows were wide open onto the street and the tempting gaze of any ill-intentioned nédooer.

I peered in cautiously to see two chunky dudes in my kitchen and all though my spindly, wimpy legs were all a tremble, i gave it my bestest butchest, menacing and slightly psycho voice :"Evenin' gents ... 'avin' a ball are we ? Wochoo upto then ?"

It was the plumbing guys checking out the boiler they'd installed over the break ...

Libellés :

vendredi, septembre 14, 2007

Paris, Place de la Bastille

Libellés : ,

Wayhayyyyy 'tis the weekend ... 2 days of R'n'R ... eating ... watching rugby ... and sleeeeeping !!

I'm very tired after spending the last two days interviewing just over thirty people and figuring out what they need to be trained in.

On monday i have to go to back to their HR person with a water tight proposal, not too expensive, mind you - i want her to spend some more of her dosh with us at the end of the year ;@)

Next week is going to be equally as tough and i can see that i'll more than likely be starting early and finishing late - notably monday.

Libellés :

mercredi, septembre 12, 2007

Paris, Place Vendome, 7pm

Libellés : ,

I spent the morning out interviewing - i had to see fifteen people over a three or four hour period.

I'm feeling increadibly knackered ! and, but, also, it's not finished : i'm going back for more of the same tomorrow :-(

The upside is that i've got friday afternoon off to recover.

Although , having said that, i think 'recovering' is going to be out of the question as the machine i'm writing on has been playing up for the last few days.

I've not been installing dodgy stuff and i just can't figure out why the thing keeps shutting down on me.

It's starting to be a real pain the arse

Libellés :

lundi, septembre 10, 2007

Paris, 6pm

Libellés : ,

The grind continues - i'm busy getting things up together before i start on my forty odd interviews in two days thang ...

Tomorrow night is wine tasting night and i think (i'm almost convinced, but not too sure) i've managed to get out of it - i just pleaded my case that i need to be on tip top form for the next two or three days to follow.

I think that what really turned me was that my 'sex tourist' trainee has also put her name down to go .... i'm not too sure that i could cope going for a night cap in the bar next door afterwards

Libellés :

dimanche, septembre 09, 2007

Libellés :

vendredi, septembre 07, 2007


I've just got back from a bar on rue Montmarte where i went to see the opening match of the rugby world cup - France Vs Argentina

The place was chock a block and the ambiance was all 'bon enfant'.

Being surrounded by about a hundred people, all singing La Marseillaise, is increadibly rousing.

I'm extreemly dissapointed that France lost, especially given their performances during the last batch of friendlies. They just didn't seem to be in the right frame of mind at all.

France Vs Ireland and Ireland Vs Argentina are going to be exciting matches - all three teams have everything to lose and it's a tough call to say who will secure the two qualifying places (although, based on this one match we can't be sure of anything)

Libellés :

Paris, canal St Martin

Libellés : ,

La Marseillaise

La Marseillaise

Allons !
Enfants de la Patrie !
Le jour de gloire est arrivé !
Contre nous de la tyrannie,
L'étendard sanglant est levé !
L'étendard sanglant est levé ...

Entendez-vous dans les campagnes
Mugir ces féroces soldats ?

Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras
Égorger vos fils, vos compagnes.

Aux armes, citoyens !
Formez vos bataillons !
Marchons, marchons !
Qu'un sang impur...
Abreuve nos sillons !

* Written in 1792 by Rouget de Lisle (a poet and amateur violinist stationed in Strasbourg with the batallion "les enfants de la patrie),the french national anthem counts ten verses of which only the first is usually sung

Libellés :

mercredi, septembre 05, 2007

Paris, Place de l'Opéra, 10pm

Libellés : ,


My third day back from the summer break and i don't feel as though i've been away.

I just can't believe that my work days have always been so exhausting - i've spent the whole day interviewing - i can feel my neurones going *chtinnnnggggnnn*

Be that as it may, hah hah, friday is the start of the rugby world cup and arguments are building as to merits to win and who will win the tournament.

The votes are on the All Blacks winning, with most of my colleagues seeing England as the dark horse outsider.

Evidently, i'm hoping the French will win it with their home advantage ;@)

Libellés :

mardi, septembre 04, 2007

Amy Winehouse - Rehab

Libellés :

lundi, septembre 03, 2007

Paris, La seine, 2pm

Libellés : ,

Heuuuuuu .....

So, that's it then, back to the rat race :(

Constant solicitation, a steady flow of 'urgent' e-mails, phones ringing unremittingly (make 'em stop)

Stupid ass colleagues whining - i'm sooo glad to be back

To be honest, i'm just feeling numb, y'know, as if i've been lobotomised - i can't believe twelve hours ago i was getting up and in twelve hours from now, well, i'll be getting up again !!

Work sucks the life out of you.

Having to go to w.o.r.k sucks.

I'm going to have to start playing the lotto or something ... or find me a rich (young) widow :)

Any way, as i suspected: i'm working on saturday

Libellés :

dimanche, septembre 02, 2007

Post Secret

Go here for more .. gwaaaan, you know you want to ;@)

Libellés :

La Braderie

Like most years, yesterday i went to the yearly Braderie in Lille - the Braderie started out way back in the 12 century where the rich and well to do would allow their domestic servants to sell off their old and used posessions between sunset and sunrise on the 31st of august / 1st of september.

The word "Braderie" derives from the flemmish Braaden, which means to roast or grill - during the period merchants would cook meat for people to buy.

Nowadays, the yearly event attracts about 2 million people who ostensibly go to chiner (look for good deals on market stalls) and to eat mussels and fries - every restaurant has a competition whereby they pile up the empty mussel shells as a means of showing that they're the best ... kinda thing.

There are a multitude of events including a mini marathon, concerts and shows which go on throughout the weekend more or less non stop.

I'm completely in love with the place and particulary the contrast in styles between the 'old' and 'new' Lille

As usual, if you click on an image you can view it, full size, in a new window.

From the main square -

La chambre de Commerce A quick whizz around La Bourse (constructed in 1653)Each effigy carved into the stonework is unique Setting out towards Vieux Lille and affronting the hordes of pushing and shoving people - not for the faint hearted ... Despite the threatening grey skies, the weather held out for the dayi really and truly love the attention to detail and the different colours on each of the 'façades'Look up from your shoes - you might miss somethingAt the turn of a corner, i stumbled into a beautifuly gothic cathederal - Notre dame de la Treille .. it's interesting in the sense that thing is in two parts : this side has been left as it is, completely untouched, whilst the front has been modernised and turned into some sort of 'super church' monstrosity, resplendant in drab concrete and steel . It looks absolutely horrendous. Enough goose bumps for me and back out into old lille - the crush of people is just too difficult to describe. Some people have the best of views ! It was pretty much time for me to be heading on back home .. I'm homeward bound and a veritable sea of humans is still pouring out of the station.

Libellés : , ,

The current mood of damiel at

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