An englishman in Paris

mercredi, mai 30, 2007

La France vue par .... les Ardennais

Libellés :

Since monday night i've been spending an unreasonable amount of time translating the synopsis for the next big musical comedy.

Think about 'Notre dame de Paris', 'Cats' or even 'Cabaret'.

It's that kind of musical, only this one is about a hero of the oppressed that we all grew up watching on t.v ....

The producer is one of my clients from last year who asked me to give him a hand - the thing needs to be wrapped up by 10 o'clock friday morning.

Four days then, to try to translate, for the most part, love songs, from french into english with a bit of dialogue and stage directions to boot.

Luckily for me, i don't have much work on at the moment so i've been able to do about ten pages at work and another half a dozen or so at home.

Libellés :

Paris, Place Clichy, 1pm

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The consequence of late nights and my looking like a mad proffessor - because i'm rushing round getting my 'real' 'job' done in between translating pages - is that my colleagues think i'm on drugs !!!

Yes really !

I'm going to sleep at about four in the morning and getting up at seven.

Drinking an unhealthy amount of coffee (making me a bit buzzingly hyper, which is unusual for me), bouts of tired tetchyness and a bit comatose-itis by four in the afternoon.

All of which has provoked BoyIdiot into asking me if i 'have things i might want to get off my chest' ...

He checked our agendas and proclaimed in front of everyone, that tomorrow, WE are going out to lunch *byeuuuurk (i've seen him eating)*

Much to his chagrin, i quietly told him that i've got too much work on oooohhh làlàlàlàlàlà too much work .. oohhhh làlàlàlàlàlà ... to much to much to much ... ooooh làlàlàlàlà maybe another time in the (way distant) future.

Still, this'll all be over by friday and the spondoolitz'll be in the bank ;@)

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lundi, mai 28, 2007

Paris, Boulevard des Italiens, 9.30pm

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MissusBossWoman has come back, looking refreshed and 'glam' from her ten day break ....

BoyIdiot is like a puppy dog, now that his mistress has returned home safe and sound - if he had a tail he would be wagging it, ten to the dozen.

Me ?

Well, i said goodby to another trainee who has left us after four weeks or so.

She had a great time with us and seems generally upset to be leaving us - petted lip to boot.

I did my best to lift her morale by saying to her that a new adventure is starting for her (she's off to the states for a two months internship).

A part from which, i've got another nice little earner: last year i spent lot of time chatting up and making out contracts for a production company.

I got on famously with the pdg ( a young guy, raving bonkers, but in a nice way) who turned up today, out of the blue, asking if i wouldn't mind translating a musical synopsis for him.

I couldn't really say 'No' - especially if it's for such a nice guy ....

... even more so if there's a bit of dosh involved ;@)

Libellés :

samedi, mai 26, 2007

Nizlopi - The JCB song

Click, watch and listen

Libellés :

Revisiting an old posting...

A few months ago, i found this excercise whilst blog-hopping - i thought i'd give it another go just to see what happens ;@)

No excuses and no apologies for the soupy stuff - it's all fiction, by the way (just so's you'd know) ... if you follow the links you can see the music videos

This is the film sound track to your life, y'know, Brad and Angelina are you and your significant other and each scene that they play out is part your life story.... the idea here is that you put your music into shuffle mode, in whichever player that you use (i'm on real player) and answer the questions below (no cheating).

It's a beautiful, glorious sunny day and i'm motoring down a never ending coastal highway.
To my left is the sea with a never ending horizon.
To my right and as far as the eye can see is scrub, tundra and sand dunes. All of which are flashing by and with each instant i'm increasingly aware that i'm finally getting further and further away from, escaping from, the hustle and bustle of the city where i work and live.

I'm on my way somewhere, but it's a mystery as to where. But i know who i'm going with - the the girl who's sitting next to me and gently squeezing my thigh ... suddenly i can hear a siren, way off in the distance ... Waking up: Coldplay - Clocks

I'm on the train, going to work, staring absent mindedly out of the window, trying to make sense of last night's dream - what does it mean ? Where's the long and never ending road taking me ? Who's the girl ? Why's she there ? Suddenly i think about ... First Day At School: Paul Weller - A town called Malice

As i leave my seat and the overcrowded carriage to change stations, i tread on someones' foot. I start to look up, with an apology forming in my mind and on my lips, when our eyes lock for a few seconds too long ... Falling In Love: Robbie Williams - Feel

Taking courage in both hands i invite her for a coffee ... just to make amends for my clumsiness, as you do.
We arrange to meet up in a nice little cafe where they do a splendid latté.
As she sits down, who do i spy, but no other than my ex-boss (and ex-fling to boot !) ... we stopped seeing each other in rather acrimonious circomstances ... Fight Song : Steppenwolf - Magic carpet ride

She was one hell of a number.
Even though i'd never liked the idea of mixing business with pleasure, i succumbed, and we saw each other, on strictly casual basis over a couple of years or so.
Until one day she saw me talking to an old flame who was in town on business (yes we did still have feelings for each other and yes, we did see each other that evening) ... Breaking Up: Chickenshack - I'd rather go blind

I'd met this 'old flame' who was indeed my first love, at the end of term school party where as youngsters, thinking that we're invincible, we'd sneak out with a quart of whisky and share it around with our buddies - all harmless fun ... Prom: Steppenwolf - Magic carpet ride

Since then though, many years have passed with their highs and lows.
I can't say that i've always trodden the 'righteous path' but i've always tried to be as honest as possible with people.
Where i can't be honest, i've learned that sometimes, let's say, it's best to be 'economical with the truth' ... Life : The Animals - Don't let me be misunderstood

After i had to leave my company things started to go down hill; my ex-boss lost sight of things and gradually started to let things slip to such a point that she was 'asked to resign'.
From which point things gradually went from bad to worse ... Mental Breakdown : Massive attack - Angel

A few weeks have now passed and the chick from the train has gradually become more important to me and so as a celebratory treat for us both, we're going for a nice weekend out in the country ... Driving : T Bone Walker - Stormy monday

Love lost and love found.
The night is closing in and my mind wanders back through the years.
Good friends i've had and good friends i've lost along the way.
Especially 'girl' friends.
Unrequited love ?
Tell me about it.
Could it be that this is finally the 'one' ... Flashback : Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Hopelessly hoping

Surprisingly enough and against all the odds the chick from the train has reformed my character !
I finally suggest to her that maybe we could, you know, make things a bit more serious ... Wedding : Dandy Warhols - Godless

The little kicks inside her started about four month later and at six in the morning we went to the hospital ... Birth of a Child : The Byrds - turn turn turn

Not every cloud has a silver lining however - due to negligence by the medical team, both mother and child died on the operating table.
Where can i find the force to continue ... Final Battle : Johhny Cash - Personal Jesus

Since that day, my life has inevitably changed.
I have changed professions and have been working, for the last twenty five years as a medical malpractise lawyer.
I prosecute rich surgeons and doctors who litterally get away with murder but are 'covered'.

Covered by connections in high places which enable them to protect themselves.

When the nights come i lie to people.

No one escapes my righteous justice ... Death Scene : Seal - Crazy

I've always believed in rights and wrongs, but since the 'murder' of Raphaëlle and Camille, who hadn't even been born, my boundaries became blurred.
My dying confesion is this : blind, blood red hate and rage do not quench the need for ultimate vengance ... Funeral Song : Mamas & Papas - California dreaming

End Credit : Massive attack - Five man army

That's great fun!!

Libellés :

Libellés :

Une histoire importante

Combien d'excuses ai-je inventées afin de toujours agir à ma façon,
pour ainsi éviter une histoire importante.
Ainsi, je ne voulais pas pas me retrouver grand(e)...

Combien de gens ai-je rencontrés, combien d'histoires, combien de compagnies?
Mais à présent, ce que je veux, c'est une histoire importante,

Ce que tu es
Ce que tu es peut être.

Arrête toi un instant, parle clairement,
comme tu ne l'as jamais fait.
Dis moi un peu qui tu es

Je n'arrive pas à me libérer, cette vie me dérange tu sais.
Comme je te désire... Qu'est ce que je te désire...

J'ouvre mes mains pour te recevoir (mais une pensée m'éloigne)
Tandis que toi, tu te refermes pour te défendre
(Ta peur est aussi un peu la mienne)

Peut être devons-nous encore grandir
Peut être est-ce un alibi, un mensonge

Si je te cherche, tu te caches, puis tu reviens.

Mets tes yeux dans les miens...

Libellés :

vendredi, mai 25, 2007

Paris, St Michel, 9pm

Libellés : ,

I passed the whole day trying to devise french language tests for a company - a potential client - that needs to evaluate the level of it's employees.

My morning was spent on the net, hunting around on different sites, where i finally collated the 'best of the best of' kind of thing and made a nice mix of different degrees of difficulty ( i don't know what to expect when i present this thing on monday morning).

As i was sitting down doing the inevitable cut and paste job, i was distracted by a rustling sound and a pair of long tanned legs at my office door ...

After a heart juddering few nanoseconds of gawking and drooling, i realised that it was one of my absolutely drop-dead gorgeous trainees from last year who, although we hit it off, is unfortunately about ten years too young for me.


Libellés :

jeudi, mai 24, 2007

Redneck scrap book

Libellés :

I met an older woman at a club last night.

She was OK for 57, we drank a bit, and she asked if I'd ever had the sportsman's double, which is a mother and daughter Threesome.

I said no.
We drank a bit more, then she says that tonight was my lucky night.

We went back to her place.
She put the hall light on and shouted upstairs:

"Mom you still awake?"

Libellés :

Hollywood in 2057

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" The Journey of a Man "

When I was 14, I hoped that one day I would have a girlfriend.

When I was 16 I got a girlfriend, but there was no passion - so I decided I needed a passionate girl with a zest for life.

In college I dated a passionate girl, but she was too emotional - everything was an emergency and she was a drama queen, she cried all the time and threatened suicide.

So I decided I needed a girl with stability.

When I was 25 I found a very stable girl but she was boring - she was totally predictable and never got excited about anything.

Life became so dull that I decided that I needed a girl with some excitement.

When I was 28 I found an exciting girl, but I couldn't keep up with her- she rushed from one thing to another, never settling on anything. She did mad impetuous things and made me miserable as often as happy. She was great fun initially and very energetic, but directionless.

So I decided to find a girl with some real ambition.

When I turned 31, I found a smart ambitious girl with her feet planted firmly on the ground and married her. She was so ambitious that she divorced me and took everything I owned.
I am now older and wiser, and am looking for a girl with big tits.

Libellés :

Très fin

Cliquez sur l'image pour agrandir dans une nouvelle fenêtre

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Le Pen, Royal et Sarkozy frappent à la porte du paradis.

Saint Pierre les introduit auprès de Dieu qui, pour juger de leurs mérites leur pose une question sur leur foi :

"Jean-Marie, à quoi crois-tu ?"

" Je crois que la France sera sauvée"

"Très bien mon petit Jean-Marie viens t'asseoir à ma droite.Et toi, Ségolène, à quoi crois-tu ?"

"Je crois à tout ce que vous voulez, Seigneur, pourvu que vous votiez pour moi"

"Viens t'asseoir à ma gauche Ségolène A quoi crois-tu, toi, mon petit Nicolas ?"

"Heu ! je crois que vous êtes assis à ma place"

Un couple se rend chez un sexologue pour une session de thérapie. L'homme demande :

"Nous désirons que vous nous surveilliez pendant que nous faisons l'amour"

Le sexologue accepte.

Quand le couple a fini, le sexologue leur demande 50 € en leur disant qu'il n'y a rien d'anormal dans leur relation.

Le couple se présente chaque semaine pendant un certain temps et a des relations sans problème et paie, chaque fois, 50 € en le quittant. Finalement le sexologue leur demande :

"Qu'est-ce que vous cherchez exactement ?"

L'homme lui dit :

"Nous ne cherchons rien.Elle est mariée et on ne peut pas aller chez elle, je suis marié et on ne peut pas aller chez moi.Le Holiday-Inn est à 100 €, le Hilton à 150 €. Nous le faisons ici pour 50 € et ma mutuelle me rembourse 45 € !!!"

Libellés :

mercredi, mai 23, 2007

Libellés : ,


BoyIdiot takes his revenge.

He's decided to take friday off (when the cat's away the mice play etc ..) and has 'ordered' me to stay late on friday night.

What's irritating is that he's not up front about things; he left a post-it note in my diary saying that he had to leave early.

The reality is that he's taking time back for the last saturday when he had to work - he could wait until next week when MissusBossWoman is back from her hols.

He also knows full well that i'm opening up the shop on saturday : so i'm staying late and opening up early.

Libellés :

lundi, mai 21, 2007

Paris, rue de Rivoli, 15pm

Chaque matin,
tu t’installes en face de moi
puis je t’effleure d’un regarde

Il n’y a rien de ‘louche’
dans mon contemplation furtive
tes yeux et ton allure m’intriguent

Tandis que les autres se bousculent
se grincent les dents, et jouent aux coudes

Toi …

T'es différente
rien ne peut te toucher
tu restes indifférente

Tout glisse sur toi
ton mur d’invincibilité
battra tout

sans doute

Mais Toi …

T'es la seule,
pour qui, à cette moment précis,
je me sens prêt à risquer ma vie

Pour Toi

Pourquoi je me sens comme ça ?

C’est fou, non ?

Est–ce que tu es le ‘Toi du Moi’ dont on me parle ?

Libellés :

samedi, mai 19, 2007

La fête solitaire

Libellés :

vendredi, mai 18, 2007

Since i've known about my 'trouble' with the bank, i've been 'humming and hahing' about what to do about getting my new bankers card - my bank really is in the middle of nowhere.

Apart from managing to liberate myself from work, the real issue was how i could get to the village that i'd called home during my first six months in france.

Especially now that i'm living on the other side of Paris and i have to rely on my ex's car - luckily for me she is a very good egg.

MissusBossWoman has known about my worries since the start of the episode and has been very supportive and discreet ("you should ask for an advance from the company to tide you over")

On monday morning i said to her that i'd need to take a day off to get things sorted out and she said "No worries" - i arranged to take today off, blocked my agenda with the catch all phrase "OUT" and that was it.

Except ...

MissusBossWoman has gone to Italy to see her parents and has left BoyIdiot to hold the fort.

BoyIdiot who isn't aware of anything.

Cue a frantic call at about 9.30 this morning :

"Do you intend coming to work today ? I know the boss is off, but all the same ...", said he trying to adopt his bestest and sternest tone.

"No, i've got a day off - the boss knows all about it and my agenda is blocked off" *the noise of pages being turned over rapidly*

"but, but but ... nobody told me anything ... "

"I told on wednesday morning that i was o.u.t today ....."

"But, but, but ... heuuuu ... so you're not in today then ?", he interrupted


"heuuuuuuu ... ok..." *click bzzzzzzzzzzzz*

I left home at about 10 this morning and arrived at the bank for midday - there now follows, evidently, french countryside pictures taken from a speeding car - doing about 130kmh on empty roads :@)

*click on the image to see better detail*

Libellés :

jeudi, mai 17, 2007

Bank holiday

Work has been forgotten for the day and so it's time to go for another one of my 'discovery' walks around the bits of Paris that i don't know *that leaves a lot of Paris to discover then :@)*

My real objectif was to buy a new pair of trainers to replace my old and mouldy looking Stan Smiths - i finally settled for a pair of Converse.

But before i got to the point of breaking open my wallet and scaring the bejeebus out of the moths, i was astounded to find myself walking along the Canal St Martin ...

(Click on the image for a full size view)

I really don't know very much about the quartier.

From what i do know though, at the start of the 1800's the quality of the drinkable water in Paris was dire (dysentry and cholera epidemics were rife) and so Napoleon took things in hand, as it were.

He raised the necessary funds for the work by ceating a 'wine tax'. In 1825, the canal was opened and was subsequently used to transport merchandise, foodstuffs and building materials into the very heart of the capital.

Up until the 1960's the canal was still in heavy use, but with the advent of railways and motorways, the canal became disused and the then president Georges Pompidou wanted to transform it into a motorway - the parisiens were up in arms against the idea and the idea was abandoned.

Nowadays, the canal is reputed for sightseeing tours and it's feeeling of peace and tranquility.

No, i don't work for the french tourist board ;@)

Libellés : , ,

Jacques Dutronc - Les Playboys

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From the in-box

One day, a man came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in a very sexy nightie.

"Tie me up," she purred, "and you can do anything you want."

So he tied her up and went golfing.

A woman came home, screeching her car into the driveway, and ran into the house.

She slammed the door and shouted at the top of her lungs, "Honey, pack your bags. I won the lottery!"

The husband said, "Oh my God! What should I pack, beach stuff or mountain stuff?"

"Doesn't matter," she said. "Just get out."

Mother Superior called all the nuns together and said to them, "I must tell you all something. We have a case of gonorrhea in the convent."

"Thank God," said an elderly nun at the back. "I'm so tired of chardonay."

A wife was making a breakfast of fried eggs for her husband.

Suddenly, her husband burst into the kitchen."Careful," he said, "CAREFUL! Put in some more butter! Oh my GOD! You're cooking too many at once. TOO MANY! Turn them! TURN THEM NOW! We need more butter. Oh my GOD! WHERE are we going to get MORE BUTTER? They're going to STICK! Careful . CAREFUL! I said be CAREFUL! You NEVER listen to me when you're cooking! Never! Turn them! Hurry up! Are you CRAZY? Have you LOST your mind? Don't forget to salt them. You know you always forget to salt them. Use the salt.USE THE SALT! THE SALT!"

The wife stared at him. "What in the World is wrong with you? You think I don't know how to fry a couple of eggs?"

The husband calmly replied, "I just wanted to show you what it feels like when I'm driving."

Libellés :

La France vue par les ... bretons

Libellés :

mercredi, mai 16, 2007

How the Dispicable MidgetGuy screwed up my lunch

I'd arranged to have lunch today ... not a quick sandwich, mind, but a real, sit-down lunch with an entrée followed by a main dish and a dessert * maybe even a glass of red to go with it - wooohooo*

A 'real' lunch break.

I left the office at about one thirty to find that my Champs Elysées had been competely closed down for blocks around.

The police were everywhere, barriers had been installed and people were lining up to watch 'president Sarkozy' whizz up the road towards l'arc de triomphe to celebrate his putch.

French t.v news claimed that there were 'crowds turning out to cheer the new president', but my impression was that there were mainly tourists and unhappy office workers trapped in a 'reality t.v pageant'.

All in all, it's not too cool to be stranded on the 'dark side' of the boulevard - unless you fancy going to Fouquets to blow a months pay on a club sarnie.

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lundi, mai 14, 2007

This week, although only four days long, is going to be tiring (i can feel it in my bones).

Tomorrow morning i'm out visiting one of my fave HR people for whom i'd organised a nice contract where we sent out a trainer all day to do workshops.

Once, however, my trainer was off sick and the planners forgot to call : Mrs HrLady chewed me a new one (all be it in a very briskly controlled and deadpan way) - "i'm very annoyed ... that's all i have to say"

And that was it !

I've been to see her a few times since and i really do enjoy chewing the fat with her as she's great fun ... i have to chat her up to sign up for a new contract.

After that, i have to get back to the office where i'm seeing one of the associates of a legal firm to discuss 'something' for a partner who's got to look after business in Italy - it's all very hush hush.

If i have time tomorrow i must touch base a bit with my current bunch of people that are about half way through their training ...

Then in the evening, i'm supposed to go to a winetasting evening that i didn't even know about - 'it's your turn' according toBoyIdiot, who's just come back from two weeks in Greece.

Libellés :

Paris, Pont Alexandre III, 9pm

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BoyIdiot is back looking suitably tanned and well fed.

He was in high spirits ragaling us all about the 'most splendid' time he had in Santorini.

The weather was 'just so', the water was a bit chilly for his little pinkies and the food was a bit too greasy (to judge by the look of his girth)

He was in fine fettle until he ventured into his office whereupon he opened the file of 'incoming' that i'd all too carefully constituted for him - all nicely organised in order, by company and date.

"Never ... in the history of man ... has someone turned so green, in such a short span of time, over so much paperwork" Winston my cat, 2007

Libellés :

Paris, rue de Rivoli, 11am

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samedi, mai 12, 2007

Quelques mots d'amour

Il manque quelqu'un près de moi
Je me retourne tout le monde est là
D'où vient ce sentiment bizarre que je suis seul
Parmi tous ces amis et ces filles qui ne veulent
Que quelques mots d'amour

De mon village capital
Où l'air chaud peut être glacial
Où des millions de gens se connaissent si mal
Je t'envoie comme un papillon à une étoile
Quelques mots d'amour

Je t'envoie mes images
Je t'envoie mon décor
Je t'envoie mes sourires des jours où je me sens plus fort
Je t'envoie mes voyages
Mes jours d'aéroport
Je t'envoie mes plus belles victoires sur l'ironie du sort

Et dans ces boîtes pour danser
Les nuits passent inhabitées
J'écoute les battements de mon cœur répéter
Qu'aucune musique au monde ne saura remplacer
Quelques mots d'amour

Je t'envoie mes images
Je t'envoie mon décor
Je t'envoie mes sourires des jours où je me sens plus fort
Je t'envoie mes voyages
Mes jours d'aéroport
Je t'envoie mes plus belles victoires sur l'ironie du sort

De mon village à cent à l'heure
Où les docteurs greffent les cœurs
Où les millions de gens se connaissent si mal
Je t'envoie comme un papillon à une étoile
Quelques mots d'amour
Michel Berger

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Libellés :

vendredi, mai 11, 2007

Stop the week

This week, although only four days long, has been quite tiring, what with BoyIdiot's dossiers to look after as well as my own.

I finally renounced and gave up doing stuff for B.I on wednesday afternoon - he'll need something to do when he comes back on Monday ;@)

As for me, well .. the banking stuff is still being sorted out and i'm going to have to see the bank manager at some point - it's a question of getting a free moment to go out to see her (my bank is way out in the middle of nowhere, with the cows and sheep and things).

I must get this done by the end of the month as i'm off for a weekend in Italy, in June, where my sister is getting married.

Libellés :

Paris, rue de Rivoli, 3pm

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Stop the week

For the last three weeks or so, the doorman of our building has been trying to hook me up with a chick who works on a floor above us.

If ever, for whatever reason, i'm skulking around the main entrance - taking a five minute breather to get my ideas together - and the chick happens to be having a smoke, the guardian always comes bounding out over towards me, shakes my hand and insistantly implies that i'm the head honcho of the place.

Well, the chick took the plunge yesterday and came in to inquire about 'what we could do for her'.

Or rather what I could do for her ...

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mercredi, mai 09, 2007

Paris, rue Lassus, 6pm

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Re: the elections

It's a strange situation at work at the moment - you can feel a lot of disappointment and heavy heartedness when you talk to people.

I'd say that maybe half of the people that i see voted for the new president but with a certain resignation (or distain), another bunch voted with the distinct purpose of creating turmoil and strife, whilst another group couldn't give a fishes tit (as we say in Britland).

I sense a great deal of unease as to what the future holds and a lot of people don't see good things for the next five years (i've not yet broached the fact that the new president could realistically govern for twenty to twenty five years !!)

Due to the constant media bombardment from all sides, i personally feel like i'm in a minority of millions.


Libellés :

Paris, Galerie de Montpensier, 4pm

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Love is in the air ...

I've been in a bit of a cold war with one of the chicks (StoopidCow) who organises our trainers' timetables.

The whole thing began about six weeks ago when she started to spend an inordinate amount of time chatting on the phone with her latest squeeze and refusing to answer calls from those people who pay her wages, i.e clients.

Because of her newfound love interest, StoopidCow's mind isn't really that much on the job and she keeps on making the same stupidass mistakes over and over again ... which she obviously, consistently, refuses to acknowledge.

The last straw came last week when, as a consequence of one of her daily screw ups, i had to spend a full day giving a course.

Be that as it may, i asked her colleague (HippyChick) not to put it onto my charge sheet but retain it 'for a rainy day' where we might want to use the course, free of charge and as a demo, to win over a potential client - it's a current ploy, by the way.

The next day, StoopidCow stuck her beak in and credited the course to another trainer.

So y'know...

Today, in one of my increasingly rare coffee breaks, i thought i'd go and just check out which trainers are working with which of my clients for the next week.

MissusBossWoman and HippyChick were happily gassin' at the front desk, when HippyChick asked me if i wanted to take care of "Tinkers'" timetable :

"Puisque tu ne veux pas qu’elle (StoopidCow) touche à tes clients avec ses sales pattes, veux-tu t'en occuper ?" * "Since you don't want her putting her stinkin' mitts on your clients, d'you wanna take care of it ?" *

Cue a sidelong and inquiring look from MissusBossWoman.

I can feel that there's going to be a Three in the Office situation any day soon.

Very soon.

lundi, mai 07, 2007

Paris, Les Halles, 3pm

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A very slow day today with hardly any incoming calls and e-mails; people are obviously making the most of tomorrows bank holiday and have gone away for a long weekend.

MissusBossWoman and i only needed to exchange the most briefest of glances and everything that needed to be said was conveyed - we're both very disillusioned by last nights election result - the question now is will she stay in France or will she leave the country...

One of our stupidest trainers came in brandishing an old copy of The Economist showing the Dispicable MidgetGuy depicted, rather aptly, as Napoleon on it's front cover.

"Qu'il est beau comme ça !!" she exulted.

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News that we don't see in the french press (from the BBC web site)

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From the Beeb "... Several hundred rioters in the Place de la Bastille threw bottles and stones at police, shouting "Sarko-fascist".

Two police officers were injured in Nantes, where 1,000 demonstrators turned to violence. Arrests were made in half-a-dozen cities, but the trouble soon subsided"

From the Guardian " ... Mr Sarkozy's victory was marred by violence across France as police and anti-Sarkozy protesters fought running battles into the early hours of yesterday morning.
Almost 600 people were arrested after demonstrators set fire to 730 cars, smashed shops and firebombed public buildings in cities across France. More than 70 police officers were injured.

The worst violence happened in Paris's Bastille area where police fired teargas and water-cannon to disperse leftwing crowds.

After the teargas was fired into the crowd, protesters shouting "police everywhere, justice nowhere!" fought officers, smashing phone cabins and shop windows.

"Everyone got hit," said Sophie Wolkowitch, whose pharmacy suffered €14,000-worth (£9,500) of damage.

Shopkeepers at Paris's Gare de Lyon were yesterday clearing away broken glass and graffiti.

Further clashes between crowds and police were reported in Toulouse and Lyon,
where anti-Sarkozy protesters threw one of the president-elect's supporters into the Rhône.

Bus shelters were smashed in the northern city of Lille and a school was set on fire in the Paris suburb of Evry in protest at Mr Sarkozy, once known as France's "top cop" and hated by many on housing estates for his divisive, uncompromising language.

In the northern department clustered around Lille, about 100 cars were torched.

In Nantes, 26 people were held for questioning and six police were slightly injured after 1,000 people joined an anti-Sarkozy march.

In Caen, four police were hurt and protesters tried to set fire to a local office of Mr Sarkozy's party ..."

Libellés :

dimanche, mai 06, 2007

Carla Bruni - Quelqu'un m'a dit

Libellés :

Quelqu'un m'a dit

On me dit que nos vies ne valent pas grand chose,
Elles passent en un instant comme fanent les roses.
On me dit que le temps qui glisse est un salaud
Que de nos chagrins il s'en fait des manteaux
Pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit...

Que tu m'aimais encore,
C'est quelqu'un qui m'a dit que tu m'aimais encore.
Serais ce possible alors ?

On me dit que le destin se moque bien de nous
Qu'il ne nous donne rien et qu'il nous promet tout
Parait qu'le bonheur est à portée de main,
Alors on tend la main et on se retrouve fou
Pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit ...

Mais qui est ce qui m'a dit que toujours tu m'aimais?
Je ne me souviens plus c'était tard dans la nuit,
J'entend encore la voix, mais je ne vois plus les traits
"Il vous aime, c'est secret, lui dites pas que j'vous l'ai dit"
Tu vois quelqu'un m'a dit...

Que tu m'aimais encore, me l'a t'on vraiment dit...
Que tu m'aimais encore, serais ce possible alors ?

On me dit que nos vies ne valent pas grand chose,
Elles passent en un instant comme fanent les roses
On me dit que le temps qui glisse est un salaud
Que de nos tristesses il s'en fait des manteaux,
Pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit que...

Carla Bruni

Libellés :

French election result - 2nd tour

FUCK !!!!

Libellés : ,

French election results (2nd tour) - update 6pm

The French media has to respect a complete blackout on exit poll results .... and so it also would seem with the 50 vandalised voting stations in Paris ....

The Belgian media, on the other hand, has no such constraints :@(

The RTBF news website has issued this :

Libellés :

The French election

Who's it to be then ? The Dispicable MidgetGuy or Ségo ... or the Dispicable MidgetGuy.

It all seems too obvious and too depressing to contemplate.

The election here has been nothing short of a simulacre, with a sham opposition candidate and a faux free press which had already 'annointed' Sarko as far back as easter last year.

It's just too little too late but in the métro stations for the last six weeks or so, slogans, stickers and anti-Sarko grafitti have been becoming the norm... a mise en bouche for more of what's to come, i think.

"Nicolas Sarkozy 2007-2012. We won't survive it and you won't either" actup

Since i've been living in France i've often heard that what's needed here is a french Margaret T******r "to sort things out" ... well, sometimes you should be careful of what you wish for n'est ce pas ?

Nobody in their right (!!) mind should be voting for the Dispicable MidgetGuy.

He is too dangerous and divisive for a country like France.

The french sheeple have all fallen for his bombastic speeches appealing to the lowest common denominator : fear of all things un french.

Fright and scare mongering.

Be afraid ... very afraid.

"Voting for Sarkosy gravely ruins democracy and the liberty of your entourage"

For months i've had a windmills-in-the-sky idea that i'd go to the Bastille or Place de la république and take in the scenes of joy.

Reminiscent of great sporting triumphs, memories of the 1998 world cup final come to mind : everybody was everyones friend, colour race and creed didn't mean anything, who cares which side of the tracks you come from ... we're all french.

I fear that the reality will be an altogether more chilling prospect.

There are news reports that squadrons of the despised CRS are taking up positions in the capital in preparation for what will be, in all liklihood, running street battles between opposing sides.

The ugly right wingers and the equally ugly racaille will very probably be slugging it out toe to toe from about eight thirty onwards tonight.

I hope, i really do, that against all the odds, french voters will see some sense and that Monsieur Sarkozy will lose.

These are the things running through my head as i type :

At what time will the first news flashes start euphemistically talking about 'trouble' ?

How many cars will burnt tonight in Clichy Sous-Bois, Seine St Denis or in Strasbourg ?

300 ? 400 ? 600 ? More than on a traditional New years eve ?

How many broken-in store fronts will i see on my way to work tomorrow ?

How many police officers will be injured ?

God forbid, will there be any dead ?

Libellés : , ,

La France vue par les Alsaciens

Libellés :

Blague du jour

L'entraîneur du Football Club d'Aubervilliers, part à la recherche d'un nouvel attaquant afin de permettre au club de monter en division supérieure.

On l'informe de l'existence d'un jeune irakien qui pourrait être en mesure de l'aider dans cette tâche.

L'entraineur prend donc l'avion pour Bagdad et assiste à un match du jeune prodige.

Le résultat est plus que positif. L'entraineur est subjugué et s'arrange pour que la future superstar déménage à Aubervilliers.

Deux semaines plus tard, Aubervilliers est mené 4 - 0 et il ne reste plus que 20 minutes à jouer.

L'entraineur décide de faire entrer le petit irakien sur le terrain.

Il est, de suite, dans le jeu et dans le coup, il parvient même à marquer 5 buts avant le coup de sifflet final.

Les fans (le virage sud des fans!) pleurent de joie, les joueurs et l'entraîneur se jettent sur lui pour l'embrasser.

C'est un vrai délire !

Lorsqu'il rentre aux vestiaires, il appelle sa mère pour partager la bonne nouvelle.

- «Salut M'man, tu ne devineras jamais quoi» dit-il. «En moins de 20 minutes,j'ai marqué 5 buts et on a gagné. Tout le monde m'adore. Les fans,les joueurs, même la presse est dingue de moi!»

- «Formidable» lui répond-elle, «Laisse-moi te décrire ma journée si tu veux bien. Ton père s'est fait abattre en pleine rue. Ta soeur et moi-même avons été violées et battues au sang. Ton jeune frère est actif dans un gang qui vend de la drogue à tous les coins de rue... Mais je suis heureuse que tout aille bien pour toi au moins».

Le jeune joueur se sent subitement très mal et est très embarrassé.

- «Je ne sais pas quoi te dire m'man, si ce n'est que je suis vraiment désolé».

- «Désolé?» dit-elle. «Désolé mon cul oui ! C'est ta putain de faute si on a déménagé à Aubervilliers !!!»

Libellés :

samedi, mai 05, 2007

Libellés :

vendredi, mai 04, 2007

After yesterdays no-money-in-the-bank-thing and a sleeples night, i got straight through to the bank this morning and was told that i must have been abroad and spent money over there - a bit difficult that one, as my passport was being renewed at the time.

They faxed me over a bank statement and, low and behold, a series of payments have been made to a thing called "PStars".

Someone had managed to get my card details and was making hay.


I made a statement to the police, faxed it over to the bank who said it could two to three months to get the dosh back.


Not only that, but the bank is going to make money out of it by providing me with an overdraft.


So the choice is : do i use the overdraft and pay Shylock interest or do i plunder my savings ?

Libellés :

Paris, jardin des Tuileries, 4pm

Libellés : ,

jeudi, mai 03, 2007

Panic stations


*that's the sound of gnashing teeth and blood boiling up*





... heuuummmm ....



...nope, i still don't feel any better .....




My bank account has been cleared out
Totally cleaned out
*sobs a little*

I'm one of the most carefullest of people that i know with money - not scroogelike, just careful, y'know.

You never can tell what might be around the corner; unexpected bills, boilers blowing up or walls falling down.

I generally wait until ten days or so after payday to check my accounts and see where i am after all my direct debits have all gone out ... the usual stuff like rent, 'phone bill, gas, electricty etc

Tonight on the way home, i stopped off at the bank to get some cash and as an after thought, i checked my balance : 60€

60€ !!

I got paid last thursday.

I don't go to see les filles de joie, i don't gamble and i don't have a drug habit to support ...

Where has my dosh gone ?

mercredi, mai 02, 2007


Paris, les Champs Elysées, 8pm

Libellés : ,


Back to the real world with a painfull bump.

BoyIdiot is off for two weeks and MissusBossWoman comes back on Monday - your's truly is alllllllllll alone to put up with the bitching, back biting and general unpleasantness that seems to have become the norme of late.

To be honest, i just kept my head down and got on with my work only surfacing to grab a quick coffe from the cafe next door - the minute i go to the coffee machine i get jumped on ... well, not quite but almost.

Evidently, the office is divided into three camps : the Sarkoistas, the Ségolistes and the couldn't-give-a-tishists.

Almost everyone is watching the debate tonight and are all resigned to the fact that the MidgetGuy (Sarko) is going to win - MissusBoss has even said that if/when he wins she'll quit the country !

Personally, i'm just waiting to see if Liverpool win the champions league final.


Libellés :


Paris, rue de Rivoli, 2pm

Libellés : ,


What with the sun, the heat and the prospect of four whole days off i was pretty much spoilt for choice for things to do.

I went to the exhibition of contemporary art at Place de la Bastille which i found, surprisingly, to be a real let down - everything seemed to be very codified and pretty much of a muchness with everyone having their own take on popart and general Warhol copying.

I then thought i'd go for what's becoming my ritualistic stroll along the Seine ... i posted tons of photos last year but i always seem to see things that whisk me away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

I could quite fancy living on a boat house ...

I'm always truck by this view : when the mornings are misty you get the distinct impression of some mythical city rising out of the depths

Finally, back to my favorite bridge with a different perspective towards les Invalides ...

... under the bridge ...

Libellés : , ,

The current mood of damiel at

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